IPTC at a Glance



IPTC Seminars and courses are suitable for those who already gained some experience in varıous sports coaching, refereeing, managing, etc. whilst working as an apprentice, following their completion of the latest award, qualification in
fields. i.e coaches working towards their assistant coach qualification should be
committed to their development as a coach and should be able to demonstrate
this is through extended off-course study.
When they received their IPTC certification, they should continue to work under
the direct supervision of the National Federation, official clubs, or a more
experienced and qualified coach throughout their course of study.
Note: the professional participants with high-level certifications can start work
independently under the laws of their countries.
The International Professional Training Certification-IPTC, every year organizes
different certification seminars, training courses, summer and winter camps,
and online seminars/webinars for the various international federations,
continental federations, national federations, clubs, organizations, groups, and
individual applicants around the world.


IPTC’ Certifications & Licenses

Coach/Instructor, Referee/Judge, Management, Affiliation, Recognition, Events


Minim praesentium minim elementum dolor
  • National Certificates

–National Level (C)

– National Level (B)

– National Level (A)


  • Continental Certificates

– Continental Level (C)

– Continental Level (B)

– Continental Level (A)


  • International Certificates

– International Level (C)

– International Level (B)

– International Level (A)

– International Level (A+)


  • Assistants Certificates

– Coach Assistant certificate

– Assistant Referee certificate

– Assistant certificate


  • Participation Certification

– Participation Certification


  • Sports Management Certificates

– Teambuilding/Teamwork certificate

– Coach Manager certificate

– Sports Management certificate

– Sports Business Development certificate

– Sports Organization Management certificate

– Sports Products Management certificate


  • Management Certificates

– Time Management certificate

– Risk Management certificate

– Quality Management certificate

– Business Development certificate

– Business Strategy certificate

– Business Marketing certificate

– CryptoCurrency Management certificate

– Investment Management certificate

– Financial Intelligence certificate


  • Licenses & Recognitions:

– Athletes License

– International License for Examiners

– Seminars’ Master Trainer License

– IPTC Representative License

– Federation Recognition License

– Club Recognition License

– Business Recognition License

– Championships/Events Recognition License

– Sports Facilities/GYM Recognition License


  • Affiliation Licenses

– International Federation Affiliation License

– Continental Federation Affiliation License

– National Federation Affiliation License

– Sports Club Affiliation License

– Branch/Agency Affiliation License

– Business Partner Affiliation License


  • Competition/Championship Certificates

– Winners Certificates

– Participation Certificates

– Federations/Clubs/Teams Certificates

– International Federations/Organizations Appreciation Certificates

– Sponsors Appreciation Certificates

– Event Business Partner Appreciation Certificates

– Officials Appreciation Certificates

– Judges Appreciation Certificates

– Organizing Committee Appreciation Certificates

– Government Appreciation Certificates

Sagittis auctor donec quas ducimus

  • National Certificates


–National Level (C)

– National Level (B)

– National Level (A)


  • Continental Certificates

– Continental Level (C)

– Continental Level (B)

– Continental Level (A)


  • International Certificates

– International Level (C)

– International Level (B)

– International Level (A)

– International Level (A+)


  • Assistants Certificates

– Coach Assistant certificate

– Assistant Referee certificate

– Assistant certificate


  • Participation Certification

– Participation Certification


  • Sports Management Certificates

– Teambuilding/Teamwork certificate

– Coach Manager certificate

– Sports Management certificate

– Sports Business Development certificate

– Sports Organization Management certificate

– Sports Products Management certificate


  • Management Certificates

– Time Management certificate

– Risk Management certificate

– Quality Management certificate

– Business Development certificate

– Business Strategy certificate

– Business Marketing certificate

– CryptoCurrency Management certificate

– Investment Management certificate

– Financial Intelligence certificate


  • Licenses & Recognitions:

– Athletes License

– International License for Examiners

– Seminars’ Master Trainer License

– IPTC Representative License

– Federation Recognition License

– Club Recognition License

– Business Recognition License

– Championships/Events Recognition License

– Sports Facilities/GYM Recognition License


  • Affiliation Licenses

– International Federation Affiliation License

– Continental Federation Affiliation License

– National Federation Affiliation License

– Sports Club Affiliation License

– Branch/Agency Affiliation License

– Business Partner Affiliation License


  • Competition/Championship Certificates

– Winners Certificates

– Participation Certificates

– Federations/Clubs/Teams Certificates

– International Federations/Organizations Appreciation Certificates

– Sponsors Appreciation Certificates

– Event Business Partner Appreciation Certificates

– Officials Appreciation Certificates

– Judges Appreciation Certificates

– Organizing Committee Appreciation Certificates

– Government Appreciation Certificates


Scelerisque sociis dolorum mi ratione

  • National Certificates


–National Level (C)

– National Level (B)

– National Level (A)


  • Continental Certificates

– Continental Level (C)

– Continental Level (B)

– Continental Level (A)


  • International Certificates

– International Level (C)

– International Level (B)

– International Level (A)

– International Level (A+)


  • Assistants Certificates

– Coach Assistant certificate

– Assistant Referee certificate

– Assistant certificate


  • Participation Certification

– Participation Certification


  • Sports Management Certificates

– Teambuilding/Teamwork certificate

– Coach Manager certificate

– Sports Management certificate

– Sports Business Development certificate

– Sports Organization Management certificate

– Sports Products Management certificate


  • Management Certificates

– Time Management certificate

– Risk Management certificate

– Quality Management certificate

– Business Development certificate

– Business Strategy certificate

– Business Marketing certificate

– CryptoCurrency Management certificate

– Investment Management certificate

– Financial Intelligence certificate


  • Licenses & Recognitions:

– Athletes License

– International License for Examiners

– Seminars’ Master Trainer License

– IPTC Representative License

– Federation Recognition License

– Club Recognition License

– Business Recognition License

– Championships/Events Recognition License

– Sports Facilities/GYM Recognition License


  • Affiliation Licenses

– International Federation Affiliation License

– Continental Federation Affiliation License

– National Federation Affiliation License

– Sports Club Affiliation License

– Branch/Agency Affiliation License

– Business Partner Affiliation License


  • Competition/Championship Certificates

– Winners Certificates

– Participation Certificates

– Federations/Clubs/Teams Certificates

– International Federations/Organizations Appreciation Certificates

– Sponsors Appreciation Certificates

– Event Business Partner Appreciation Certificates

– Officials Appreciation Certificates

– Judges Appreciation Certificates

– Organizing Committee Appreciation Certificates

– Government Appreciation Certificates


IPTC looking forward to having official branches and representatives in different parts of the

To Apply, or for more information and free advice please contact us now:

The IPTC Affiliation Department will contact you as soon as we received
your request email.

(Questions and information)
Email: support@iptcertification.com


Email: registration@iptcertification.com
Email: ipt.certification@gmail.com


IPTC Performance Style

In today’s world without a very good strategy, an experienced team, and professional educational plans, we can not expand our goals, and develop our sports, or promote our brands.

The International Professional Training Certification- IPTC with a long experience since 1997, existed to support the International Federations/Organizations, Continental Federations, National
Federations/Associations/NGOs, Clubs, or Companies, and collaborate with them for better development of their aims all over the world.

For a better understanding of the IPTC’s educational performance style and collaboration method with the international federations, we provided you here, some of the partnership experiences between the IPTC and some of our Partners.

“It will be our honor to have you beside us as well that we could provide you our best possible services” 


Certifications and Licenses for the IPTC Partners

IPTC will be in authority for the issuance of the specific certifications and licenses under the supervision of the International Federations.

All the necessary information of the certificate holders will be sent to the IPTC License Department by the main federation/organization or respective partners.

IPTC will issue various certificates for the recognized coaches/referees/participants, etc. who are introduced by the IPTC Partners.




Football Skating Internation Certification Seminar

Every year, various international certification seminars are organized by IPTC for coaches and referees around the world.



International Parkour Certification Seminar

IPTC holds Various National, Continental, and International certification seminars for the Parkour Coaches, Judges, and Athletes under the direct supervision of the International Parkour Federation- IPF, Asia Freerunning Parkour Union- AFPU, and World Freerunning Parkour Federation- WFPF around the world.



CONGRESS/Extraordinary Congresses

Another responsibility of IPTC is to manage and hold congresses of continental and international federations.

IPTC expert team with professional management method will organize any kind of Congresses/Extraordinary Congresses, yearly Assembly Meetings, Board Members’ official elections, etc. from the (A) to (Z) for its partners.




Theoretical Certification Seminars for Coaches/Referees

IPTC organizes high-quality theoretical and knowledgable education certification seminars for various sports under the direct supervision of experts and experienced Professors and well-known Master Trainers in five continents.

The Seminars Master Trainers/Instructors are recognized by the respective International/Continental Federations/Organizations.



Practical Certification Courses

IPTC organizes high-quality practical sessions for various sports under the direct supervision of experts and experienced Professors and well-known Master Trainers in five continents.

The Seminars Master Trainers/Instructors are recognized by the respective International/Continental Federations/Organizations.




Online Certification Webinars

IPTC organizing various International Coach, Referee, and other educational certification online seminars.

Especially during the Covid-19, the IPTC virtual courses help people to keep continuing self-improvement and updating their knowledge.

On another side, the federations can organize their national and international certifications programs for their members through IPTC Virtual Courses.



IPTC will Certify the Master Trainers in various sports

IPTC will certify the Master Trainers in various sports under the direct supervision and control of the respective International Federations.


Government Appreciation Certificates issues by IPTC

IPTC will issue and provide official appreciation certification for the Gov., Officials, sponsors, etc.

The IPTC Partners can request IPTC to issue official certificates for their Gov,/officials and Partners.

IPTC is always proud of the various Gov. who are fully supporting the IPTC International Certifications/Championships Seminars/Events and educational programs around the world.


You can join us today! We will stronger together

For more information, please contact us:

Email: affiliation@iptcertification.com
Email: ipt.certification@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +905364533188

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